Patterns of Interpersonal Communication of Employee to Establishing Relationships with Students in the STISIP Petta Baringeng Soppeng


DOI : 10.30863/palakka.v5i1.6391

This research describe about interpersonal communication of employment to establishing relationships with students in the Stisip Petta Baringeng Soppeng. Interpersonal communication that involves only two people face to face, ways verbal and non verbal.example husband and his wife, two close friends, employee and student. The employee as a unit of teaching staff whomust provide good service. But the problem that often arises on a campus is a lack of communication between employee with students. Therefore , the author chose one title to look at employee interpersonal communication in establishing relationships with students in the Stisip Petta Baringeng Soppeng.This type of research is qualitative, to obtain data in this research that researcher used observation and interview data collection techniques, to analyze the data in this research through three stages that reduction data, presentation and conclusions.The results of the research show that employee interpersonal communication in establishing relationships with students in the Stisip Petta Baringeng Soppeng interpersonal communication has been implemented in the form of dialogu, convesation, storytelling and sharing between employee and student. With interpersonal communication from employee so students listen to all aspirations that have been conveyed by employee so that solving problems can easily be resolved so that students do academic activitieswell.

Interpersonal; Communication; Relationships.
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Submitted: 2024-05-26
Published: 2024-06-28
Section: Articles
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