DOI : 10.30863/jbpi.v2i2.6951
Adolescence is a period that experiences many changes both physically, spiritually and mentally, so during this period teenagers experience a lot of teenage emotional turmoil and teenage problems in general are caused by social role conflicts. On the one hand, he wants to be independent as an adult, on the other hand, he still has to continue to follow his parents' wishes. Islamic-based counseling services are an alternative for guiding teenagers to understand their self-concept according to what is expected in Islam so that they can behave in accordance with Islamic values. The aim of this research is to analyze Islamic-based counseling services for teenagers in dealing with juvenile delinquency. This research method uses library research, namely collecting and analyzing literature or theoretical sources relevant to the research topic, starting with identifying the research topic, searching for literature, selecting literature, developing a conceptual framework, and providing synthesis and interpretation. The results of the research show that problems that arise among teenagers that can be categorized as serious problems include the problem of juvenile delinquency, considering that teenagers are an age group that is expected to become the next generation in the future. Islamic guidance and counseling aims to help individuals realize themselves as complete human beings in order to achieve happiness in life in this world and in the afterlife in accordance with Islamic law.
counseling, teenagers, and juvenile delinquency
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Article Info
Submitted: 2024-07-02
Published: 2023-12-22
Section: Articles