Sitti Rahmi* -  Universitas Negeri Makassar
Sadali Sadali -  Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bone

DOI : 10.30863/jbpi.v2i1.5221

Student in their development will always encounter various problems both related to personal and/or in their social interactions. For this reason, guidance and counseling services are needed so that students are able to develop themselves optimally. Guidance and counseling services are part of the the education system that seeks to provide assistance to students to develop an independent attitude, be able to make wise decision and include efforts to build noble character. Guidance and counseling services are based on applicable norms with the aim that students have a good personality, namely noble character. Counselir as practisioner of guidance and counseling services carry out their functions systematically to foster student so that they are able to develop their potential optimally. The counselor also acts as a fasilitator for the formation of noble character for students.

Counselor, Counseling and Guidance, noble character
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Submitted: 2023-08-23
Published: 2023-08-31
Section: Articles
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