DOI : 10.30863/jbpi.v2i1.5220
The impact of bullying can interfere with children's mental health, especially bullying for people with disabilities is a very serious matter, because children with disabilities are more vulnerable to being affected by bullying and even wanting to commit suicide rather than having to face pressures in the form of humiliation and punishment and even death. Children with disabilities are children who have different characteristics, both physically, emotionally and mentally with normal children of their age and need proper stimulation. Children with disabilities are children who have physical and mental limitations, so that children need special services both in terms of physical, mental and social. Persons with disabilities generally have a low level of self-confidence, this is because they are always treated unpleasantly in the school and community environment. For example, being ostracized and not being valued for their existence, so that children with disabilities do not dare to have high aspirations and even feel afraid to speak in public. The existence of differences in children with disabilities does not mean that children with disabilities should be looked down upon, because children with disabilities have a great curiosity and are also usually more creative than children in general and have a high awareness of solidarity. What is needed is to raise their spirits with motivational encouragement from parents, friends and all parties so that children's self-confidence arises to get along with the surrounding community. The existence of persons with disabilities who are sometimes still considered as a minority group makes it important to have equal opportunities equal to other normal children. Equal opportunity can be carried out through education with a special effort to encourage children with disabilities and other normal children to be able to adapt to one another. Because there are still frequent incidents of bullying against children with disabilities in the school environment, and there is still a lack of understanding and empathy from non-disabled children towards children with disabilities, the need of a form of education and empathy for person with disabilities who experience bullying is really crucial
Impact of Bullying, Confidence, Persons with Disabilities.
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Article Info
Submitted: 2023-08-23
Published: 2023-08-31
Section: Articles