Alfaraida Rumaisyah -  IAIN Bone, Indonesia
Ishak Ishak -  IAIN Bone, Indonesia
Wahyu Sultan* -  IAIN Bone, Indonesia

DOI : 10.30863/ijretal.v4i1.5010

This study discusses reading thematic stories to increase students' vocabulary knowledge. This study used thematic stories as learning media. This study applied a pre-experimental method with a one group pre-test and post-test design. The population of this research is junior high school students from SMP Negeri 6 Watampone. The sample of this study consisted of 30 grade 7 students. This study used one instrument, namely the multiple-choice test. Data collection was carried out by conducting a pre-test and post-test to measure the development of students' vocabulary knowledge before and after treatment. As a result, it was revealed that there was a significant difference from the pre-test and post-test. The average pre-test score was 29.50 and the post-test average score was 79.83. From T-test the research found that the significant value (significant 2-tailed) value is lower than alpha (α) (0.00<0,05). It means that reading thematic story can improve students’ vocabulary knowledge.

Reading; Thematic Story; Vocabulary Knowledge
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Submitted: 2023-07-06
Published: 2023-07-06
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