Grammar-translation method affects students’ reading comprehension and motivation
DOI : 10.30863/ijretal.v1i1.1194
In English teaching, teaching methods should be applied in the classroom for the successful
teaching activity. It is believed that the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) is effective for
teaching reading comprehension and motivating students. This study investigated the effect of
GTM on students’ reading comprehension and their reading motivation at SMAN 4 Palangka
Raya, Kalimantan Tengah. The study applied a quasi-experimental research design. To be
research participants, 30 students of the natural science class were as an experiment group,
and 30 students of the social science class were as a control group taken with a cluster random
sampling. Data were collected using the reading test and questionnaire. The collected data
were then analyzed using one-way ANOVA with SPSS 20. The results showed that GTM has
a significant effect on students reading comprehension and reading motivation. It was found
that the degree of freedom between group (DFb) = 2, the degree of freedom within group
(DFw) = 87 (Ttable = 1.99), and Fvalue was 37.019. It showed that Fvalue was higher than Ttable (37.019 > 1.99). It means that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected.
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