DOI : 10.30863/iebjournal.v6i1.6610

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penerapan sustainable fashion dalam perekonomian, manfaat sustainable fashion, penerapan sustainable fashion sesuai dimensi keberlanjutan, dan penerapan tema berdasarkan prediksi tren butik Wisen Willim tahun 2023/2024. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dan deskriptif kualitatif dengan melakukan kajian literatur, data, dan informasi secara komprehensif. Analisis data juga digunakan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa butik Wisen Willim telah menerapkan sustainable fashion melalui proyek pengolahan step by step dengan menampilkan koleksi berkelanjutan pada acara atau fashion show yang diikutinya, menerapkan ekonomi sirkular di industri fashion seperti memperpanjang waktu penggunaan pakaian dan memberikan kesempatan untuk menyewa pakaian, serta mengedepankan aspek estetika daripada aspek keberlanjutan. Jika Anda ingin membuat pakaian yang ramah lingkungan dan tahan lama, sustainable fashion adalah pilihan yang tepat. Sangat penting bagi bisnis fashion untuk menerapkan tren berkelanjutan dan mengikuti tren yang terus berubah setiap tahunnya. Dengan melakukan hal tersebut, dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan dapat dikurangi dan minat beli konsumen dapat terus meningkat, yang berarti lingkungan aman dan produksi terus meningkat. Ini adalah tinjauan literatur terstruktur yang meneliti dan menjelaskan manfaat pakaian hijau berkelanjutan. Bagaimana pakaian hijau dapat diimplementasikan berdasarkan proyek daur ulang bertahap, ekonomi sirkular, dimensi keberlanjutan, dan peramalan tren 2023/2024.


This research aims to evaluate the application of sustainable fashion in the economy, the benefits of sustainable fashion, the application of sustainable fashion according to sustainability dimensions, and the application of themes based on predicted trends for the Wisen Willim boutique in 2023/2024. This research uses qualitative and descriptive qualitative methodology by conducting a comprehensive review of literature, data, and information. Data analysis is also used.This research shows that the Wisen Willim boutique has implemented sustainable fashion through a step-by-step processing project by displaying sustainable collections at events or fashion shows that it participates in, implementing a circular economy in the fashion industry such as extending the time of use of clothes and providing opportunities to rent clothes, and prioritizing aspects aesthetics rather than sustainability aspects. If you want to make clothes that are environmentally friendly and long-lasting, sustainable fashion is the right choice. It is very important for fashion businesses to implement sustainable trends and follow trends that continue to change every year. By doing this, negative impacts on the environment can be reduced and consumer buying interest can continue to increase, which means the environment is safe and production continues to increase. This is a structured literature review that examines and explains the benefits of sustainable green clothing. How green clothing can be implemented based on step recycling projects, circular economy, sustainability dimensions, and trend forecasting 2023/2024.

Sustainable fashion, Trend, Forecasting
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Article Info
Submitted: 2024-06-10
Published: 2024-06-10
Section: Articles
Article Statistics: 867 350