Sistem e-voting dalam pemilihan kepala daerah 2020 saat pandemi covid-19: Perbandingan Indonesia, Australia dan Brazil

Vicko Taniady* -  , Indonesia
Brillian Aditya Prawira Arafat -  Universitas Jember, Indonesia
Hari Sutra Disemadi -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

DOI : 10.30863/ekspose.v19i2.1139

Since the entry of COVID-19 Pandemic which is scattered all over the world, paralyzing the most specialized human activities in Indonesia. Indonesian regional head elections to be held on 9 December 2020 have polemic with Physical Distancing during COVID-19 Pandemic. So it is necessary to implement E-Voting in the regional head election as a solution in the middle pandemic. The application of E-Voting system is not a foreign thing because its application has been done in the selection of village head. The use of E-Voting Systems has also been conducted by several countries in the world such as Australia and Brazil. The use of E-Voting systems in Australia and Brazil has received a positive response in the community, but there is a lack of implementation. The methods of research used are Normatid's legal research methods with comparative approach using secondary data. The results of this research show, with the E-Voting system in the regional head elections is able to increase the value of democracy in Indonesia, especially the increase of public participation and provide effectiveness and effectiveness in the electoral process. However, the application of E-Voting system is still constrained by the presence of hackers who are able to break the system and regional readiness in the use of E-Voting.

Sejak masuknya Pandemi COVID-19 yang tersebar diseluruh dunia, melumpuhkan kegiatan manusia terkhusus di Indonesia. Pemilihan Kepala Daerah di Indonesia yang akan diselenggarakan pada 9 Desember 2020 mengalami polemik dengan adanya Physical Distancing ditengah Pandemi COVID-19. Sehingga perlu adanya pelaksanaan E-Voting dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah sebagai solusi ditengah Pandemi ini. Penerapan sistem E-Voting bukanlah hal yang asing lagi karena penerapannya sudah dilakukan dalam pemilihan kepala desa. Penggunaan sistem E-Voting juga telah dilakukan oleh beberapa negara di dunia seperti Australia dan Brazil. Penggunaan sistem E-Voting di Australia dan Brazil mendapatkan respon positif dalam masyarakat, namun juga terdapat kekurangan dalam pelaksanaannya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perbandingan menggunakan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan, dengan adanya sistem E-Voting dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah mampu meningkatkan nilai demokrasi di Indonesia terkhusus peningkatan partisipasi publik dan memberikan keefektivan serta keefesienan dalam proses pemilihan berlangsung. Namun, penerapan sistem E-Voting masih terkendala dengan kehadiran hacker yang mampu membobol sistem serta kesiapan daerah dalam penggunaan E-Voting.

E-Voting; Electoral; Elections; COVID-19
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Submitted: 2020-12-29
Published: 2020-12-29
Section: Articles
Article Statistics: 2024 2617