The following guidelines for prospective authors apply:
A. General Author Guidelines:
JOURNAL AL WARAQAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab IAIN Bone published two times a year since 2020, is multilingual (Bahasa and Arabic), is a peer-reviewed open-access journal, and follows a double-blind review policy. The aim is to provide readers with a better understanding of Arabic Education and present developments through the publication of articles and research reports.
The Manuscript should be written in Bahasa or Arabic or English and have never been published or is not in the process of submission for publication to other media and do not contain elements of plagiarism.
The manuscript will be reviewed by subject reviewers, while the editors reserve the right to edit the manuscript for format consistency without altering the substance. Make sure that the manuscript is prepared using the Al Waraqah Article Template
The manuscript must be sent through the Al Waraqah website (OJS). Use the guidelines for al waraqah for online submission. The citations and references should follow the style of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th Edition Use Reference Management Software ZOTERO or MENDELEY.
The editor will inform the author via email if the manuscript meets the Journal style.
B. Structure of the Manuscript:
The article structure contains: (a) Title; (b) Author(s) Name, Institution, and E-mail; (c) Abstract; (d) Keywords; (e) Introduction; (f) Result and Discussion; (g) Conclusion; and (h) References.
TITLE OF YOUR ARTICLE. Title must be brief but informative. It contains neither abbreviations not jargons; it is written with maximum length 15 words in bold capital letters with font Times New Roman 12 pt for Indonesian or Sakkal Majalla 18 pt for Arabic.
AUTHOR. Name, Affiliation, E-mail:
ABSTRAC (In English or Indonesian or Arabic)
Abstracts must be clear, factual, and briefly describe the contents of the article, such as the background of the problem (maximum 2 sentences), research objectives, research methods, findings, conclusions. meaning of using ambiguous sentences. Abstract must be written in 2 languages, English and Indonesian with a length of approximately 150-200 words, using Times New Roman 12 pt and 1 space.
Keywords: Arabic Learning, Abstrak, Template
Pendahuluan/ Introduction/ الـمقدمة
The introduction must contain the background of the problem based on data in the field as well as the results of a review of several literatures relevant to the research theme. The literature review and explanation of the main ideas of this research should be explained in a concise and precise manner.
The introduction is written using Times New Roman 12 pt for Indonesian articles and 16 pt Sakka Majalla for Arabic articles, Line Spacing 1.5 for Indonesian and 1 cm for Arabic. Footnotes are written in Times New Roman 10 pt for Indonesian articles and Sakka Majalla 16 pt for Arabic articles. Each footnote should be indented about 1 cm from the left margin.
Hasil Penelitian dan Pembahasan/ Result And Discussion/نتيجة البحث والمناقشة
Results should be clear and concise. The results should summarize (scientific) findings rather than providing data in great detail. Please highlight any differences between your results or findings and previous publications by other researchers. The table format can be seen from the following example:
Table 1.
List of Names for Learning Media Training
Names |
Scores |
Notes |
Mahfuz |
85 |
passed |
Aulia |
85 |
Passed |
Syaid |
85 |
passed |
This section should explore the significance of the research results. A combined Findings and Discussion section is also appropriate. This section allows you to offer your interpretation and explain the meaning of your results. Emphasize the theoretical or practical consequences of the results.
The Discussion section should be a reasonable and justifiable comment on the importance of your findings. This section states why the issue is important; what is the bigger problem and what propositions are confirmed or not confirmed by extrapolating these findings to the overarching problem.
Conclusions must answer the research objectives. Tells how your work advances the field from the current state of knowledge. Without a clear conclusion, reviewers and readers will find it difficult to judge the work, and whether the work is worthy of publication in the Proceedings or not. Do not repeat the Abstract, or only include experimental results. Provide a clear scientific justification for your work, and point out possible applications and extensions. You should also suggest future experiments and/or indicate ongoing experiments.
Any sources cited in the body of the article must appear in the Bibliography, and all sources that appear in the Bibliography must be cited in the body of the article. References should be more up-to-date (published within the last 10 years). The sources cited are primary sources in the form of journal articles, proceedings, research reports including theses and dissertations. References must be presented alphabetically and chronologically and set to 12-pt palatino font, justified, with single-line spacing and hanging indents. Check every reference to the original source (name of author, volume, edition, year, DOI number). Please use the ZOTERO or MENDELY Reference Manager App. Use other articles published in the same Proceedings as models. Citations and references must follow the style of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th Edition.
Example of an in-text quote:
Hamidah. 2016. Filsafat Pembelajaran Bahasa Perspektif Strukturalisme dan Pragmatisme. Yogyakarta: Naila Pustaka. ←Book
Abdalla, Adil Elshiekh. 2018. “Al-Musykilât Al-Tsaqâfiyah Allatî Tujâbahu Muta’allimi Al-Lughah Al-‘Arabiyah Bi Washfihâ Lughah Tsâniyah Fî Bilâd Al-Malâyû.” Arabi : Journal of Arabic Studies 3 (2): 196. ←Journal
al-Najran. Usman Abdullah dan Jasem Ali Jasem. 2013. “Tahlil al-Akhtha’ al-Kitabiyah fi Ba’dh al-Zawahir al-Nahwiyyah fi Kitabat al-Thullab Ghair al-Nathiqina al-‘Arabiyyah” Prosiding Seminar International Bahasa Arab Khithab al-Tajdid fi al-Dirasat al-‘Arabiyyah Baina al-Nazariyah wa al-Tathbiq. Padang: UIN Imam Bonjol Padang ←Conference Proceeding.
Taufiqurrochman. 2015. " Model Belajar Bahasa Arab Mandiri Berbasis Website”, Laporan Penelitian UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. ←Report
Al-Khalidi, Khalid Yunus. 1999. al-Yahud fi ad-Daulah al-Islamiyyah fi al-Andalus, disertasi pada Universitas Baghdad. ←Thesis
Busuu Developer. “Manfaat busuu Premium”,, 25 Mei 2018. ←Website