Parenting Styles During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Conception of Islamic Family Law

H Baharuddin* -  Lecturer at the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Bone, Indonesia

DOI : 10.35673/al-bayyinah.v5i1.788

The covid-19 pandemic situation has led to many changes in living conditions and various activities that are mostly carried out at home in order to reduce and prevent the chain of transmission of the corona-19 virus. This study aims to provide an illustration of the role of parents at home during the Covid-19 pandemic situation by providing the rights that must be given to children by correlating them with the concept of childcare in Islamic family law. The urgency in education studies in the review of Islamic family law is to emphasize the position of parents who are not only responsible for providing a living, including in matters of success in education. This is a conceptual study, which seeks to explore the concept of childcare that is built in Islamic family law. The findings in this study indicate that childcare according to Islamic family law in the covid-19 pandemic situation, namely: 1) teaching children to do good and keep away from badness, this is done by way of parents giving examples and accompanying children when learning, 2) Parenting with affection, this care is done by providing safety and guidance to children, 3) Fulfilling the needs of children. In the conception of Islamic family law it is known as hadanah rights or child care which is widely understood, both in terms of livelihood to children's intelligence. The implication of this finding is that during the pandemic, parents have a significant role, in addition to living needs, parents are also required to ensure children's intelligence through the fulfillment of education.


Parenting Styles; Child; Pandemic Period; Islamic Family Law
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Article Info
Submitted: 2020-06-13
Published: 2021-05-25
Section: Articles
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