DOI : 10.35673/al-bayyinah.v4i1.646
Productive Waqf becomesone of solution in empowering community in sector of economy. After the birth of Law no. 1 of 2004 concerning waqf that has mandated productive management of waqf. The limited paradigm management of waqf in worship has reduced the position of waqf as Islamic philanthropy. Waqf property in form of land in Bone Regency is classified enormous in terms of quantity. However, the management is not in line with the mandate of the waqf law, since it has not excellentlyaffected the economic sector. Pesantren Al-Mubarak Sibulue District Bone Regency has made a breakthrough by developing pesentren. The function of pesantren as an educational institution and its function in the economic sector. Utilization of productive waqf in empowering community’seconomy is interesting to be studied, assumed that the productive management of waqf is rare. The research data were collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The research findings showed that the management of productive waqf atPesantren Al-Mubarakismini market and broiler farm. Pesantren, as an educational institution, has a dual function, namely to finance activities planned by the school and to facilitate community to the economyaccess. Management of productive waqf is not optimaldue to inadequate human resources. The finding of this researchmight implicate for the spirit of productive waqf empowerment by providing adequate human resources as a step in maximizing the management and utilization of waqf.
Keywords: Management; Utilization; Productive Waqf; Al-Mubarak.
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