IMPLIKASI PERCERAIAN (Kajian Tentang Akibat Lain yang Ditimbulkan Oleh Sebuah Peristiwa Hukum)

Muhammad Farid* -  STAIN WATAMPONE, Indonesia

DOI : 10.35673/al-bayyinah.v1i1.4

Marriage is an another space in episode of human life
way. Actually, it gives satisfied in brotherhood and the
first in relatives. But sometimes when the time goes on, the
marriage commitment changes extremely; it claims
divorce. Indeed, if we try to contemplate, their is much we
have done to develop the life our marriage, namely:
introduction each other (side of relatives of husband and
wife), wedding party, life in happy an unhappy; and all of
them has taken our budget, energy and thought.
Normality, if syariat Islam is followed seriously, of course
no anymore marriage till divorce, there is a case to be
thought: children. They will be loosed parent, the
resource of their happiness. So think ones more to divorce
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Article Info
Submitted: 2018-01-11
Published: 2018-01-11
Section: Articles
Article Statistics: 452 907