Justice of a Husband who Performs Polygamy in Classic, Contemporary, and Indonesian Perspectives

Ruslan Daeng Matteru* -  State Islamic Institute of Bone, Indonesia, Indonesia
Abdulahanaa Abdulahanaa -  State Islamic Institute of Bone, Indonesia, Indonesia

DOI : 10.30863/al-bayyinah.v6i2.3187

Polygamy in classical views, contemporary views and Indonesian perspectives, is an urgent matter to be known as a treasure trove of Islamic thought. The implication is clearly illustrated that in fact the problem of classic marriage terms has been experiencing developments that are considered by culture and trends to be appropriate for the times. Hadith about polygamy requires interpretation and correlation with the cultural context of marriage that has occurred in various parts of the world, especially in the Arabian Peninsula in the pre-Islamic era, past and present. Through this study, it will reveal polygamy in classic, contemporary and Indonesian dimensions. The method in this study is a literature approach, by examining classic books, books and articles related to polygamy. The results of the study indicate that the scholars agree on justice as a condition for allowing polygamy and for those who violate the terms of justice in polygamy can be subject to sanctions, but there are differences regarding the form of sanctions that can be imposed. In the classical perspective the threat is understood as a threat to morality, while in the contemporary and Indonesian perspective the threat is understood as a threat that can be subject to ta'zir punishment in the form of criminal or civil sanctions, it's just that the legislation governing marriage in Indonesia does not regulate sanctions for violation of the law.
Justice; polygamy; classic; contemporary; indonesian
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Submitted: 2022-10-25
Published: 2022-12-02
Section: Articles
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