Tradisi Yasinan Untuk Mengembalikan Barang Hilang: Studi Living Qur’an di Watampone
DOI : 10.35673/al-bayyinah.v6i1.1900
This research is entitled Reading Yāsīn as a Tradition to Bring Back Lost Items: A Living Qur'an Study in Watampone. This research is included in the type of descriptive-qualitative research, where the researcher does not just describe the data found in the field, but tries to do a critical analysis of the problem to solve the problem using theological, anthropological and sociological approaches. The results of the study show that QS Yāsīn is one of the surahs in the Qur'an that is much favored by the public. In fact, because it is often read, it makes people who read it memorize it spontaneously by heart without any intention of memorizing it. The more we see, hear and read so that Surah Yāsīn is no longer used as a healer of the heart, but now Surah Yāsīn has become part of various religious rituals. The practice of Reading Surah Yāsīn (Yāsīnan) has its own position in the traditions of some Muslims, especially in Watampone. Even though the tradition is disputed, Surah Yāsīn is often read at certain times such as when someone is facing the sakaratul maut (the moment of dying), Thursday night, the night of Nisfu Sya'ban, tahlil, and so on. The practice of Yāsīnan to bring back lost items carried out by some people in Watampone is by reading it 41 times and the steps in the process vary, some are just reading as well as reading other verses in the Qur'an. Some people do not agree if reading Surah Yāsīn with various tools such as a sieve, coconut or even using incense sticks because it is close to shirk. People in Watampone try to interact with the Qur'an in various ways, both verbally, in writing, and in actions, both in the form of thoughts, experiences, emotionally, and spiritually. They believe that when they interact with the Qur'an, their life will find happiness in this world and the hereafter. To get the instructions of the Qur'an, they try to be able to read it and understand its contents and practice it, even though just reading it is considered as worship for them. The reading of the Qur'an produces various understandings according to their respective abilities, and this understanding gives birth to diverse behaviors in the midst of society as an interpretation of the Qur'an in their lives, both on the theological, philosophical, psychological, and cultural levels. The tradition of people in Watampone in understanding the Qur'an or more precisely the typology of human interaction with the Qur'an in the city of Watampone needs to be introduced kaffah as a treasure and a frame in seeing the many styles and models of community interaction with the Qur'an, especially regarding Surah Yāsīn. In this case, the concept of living Qur'an focuses more on Watampone community groups who really understand the Qur'an itself.
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Tradition; yasinan; lost item; living law.
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Submitted: 2021-10-21
Published: 2022-06-13
Section: Articles