
Abstract: The curriculum is an educational design that encompasses all
student experiences in colleges. KKNI is a framework of competency
qualification that can match, equalize and integrate between the field of
education and the field of job training and work experience in the framework
of giving the recognition of work competence in accordance with the
structure of work in various sectors. Curriculum changes affect the concept of evaluation, curriculum changes give color in the implementation of the curriculum. The principles of learning evaluation in the KKNI-based curriculum include: educative,
authentic, objective, accountable, and transparent principles that are
conducted in an integrated manner. The assessment technique consists of
observation, participation, performance, written test, oral test, and
questionnaire. The assessment instrument consists of process assessment in
the form of rubric and / or result assessment in the form of portfolio or
design work. The assessment mechanism in the KKNI-based curriculum
consists of (a) preparing, submitting, agreeing on the stages, techniques,
instruments, criteria, indicators, and assessment weights between the
assessors and those assessed in accordance with the lesson plans; (b) carry
out the appraisal process in accordance with the stages, techniques,
instruments, criteria, indicators and weights of assessment that contain the
assessment principles as referred to in Article 20; (c) provide feedback and
opportunities to confirm students’ assessment results; and (d) documenting
assessments of process and student learning outcomes in an accountable and
transparent manner. Implementation of the assessment consists of the
planning stage, task assignment activities or questions, performance
observation, return of observation sheet, and the final value. Reporting of the
results of the assessment in the form of qualification of student success in
taking a course expressed in the range: letter A is equivalent to number 4;
letter B is equivalent to number 3; letter C is equivalent to number 2; the
letter D is equivalent to the number 1 categorized less; or the letter E is.

Keywords: Basic concept of evaluation, curriculum based on Indonesia
National Qualification Framework


Evaluasi; Kurikulum

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35673/ajmpi.v6i1.286


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Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bone
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Kabupaten Bone
Sulawesi Selatan

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